Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mathura - The birthplace of Lord Krishna

I was up at 6.00am to make my journey to Agra. I was going to skip Delhi again since I really did not like to deal with the chaos that this city emitted. I asked the auto rickshaw to drop me at the bus station and was informed that the bus drivers were on strike and were demanding more pay.My other option now was to take a train,which I was trying to avoid due to over crowding and having to purchase the AC and Sleeper tickets in advance. I did not have a set itneray so buying tickets in advance was not an option for me. I brought a ticket to Agra and got on the train only to get off at Karnal(the next city). Lets just say that it wasn't one of my best train rides to date. I managed to catch a ride to Panipat where I was informed that I could not get a bus to Agra either because the drivers were on strike here too.I had to try my luck on catching a passing bus to Delhi and get a bus from there to Agra. Well after asking a few people and waiting for 30 mins, I finally got a bus to Delhi and arrived to the chaotic city again. After arrival I was told that to catch a bus to Agra I had to go to another bus station which is about 15 mins away. This was going to be along day, I could feel it.Finally I set my backpack down and was on the way to Agra, but I was to get off at Mathura, the birth place of Lord Krishana.

Arrived in Mathura about 3.00 pm and checked into the Agra hotel. The owner was a very pleasant senior gentleman who asked me all about my travels and gave me some tips on Mathura.

I showered and decided to walk to the nearest temple. The alleys were lined up with Sari stores, food stalls and sovereign stores. Everywhere was Lord Krishan, which really showered how much devotion this city had.The evening prayers were in full swing and I am still surprised at how many people always turn to fill up these temples at every hour of the day. A priest helped me do my prayers for a small donation. The first prayer was for Yumuna River at Vishram Ghat. Vishram Ghat is where Lord Krishna is said to have rested with his brother after killing his evil uncle King Kansa. Devotees were sending off oil lamps into the river and were in the efforts to wash off their sins. My prayers were for the effort that upon my parents journey to heaven, the Yumuna River shall make their journey a success. I stayed for the main Aarthi(prayer) which almost attracted the whole village. Temple bells were rang continuously and there were prayers in every small temple( at every 10 feet almost)through out the village.I arrived back the hotel to have for the first time a real meal. It was at no charge from the hotel since it looked like I was the only guest here.I ate every piece of rice.

The hotel had arranged a tour for me to see some of the big temples and the spot where Lord Krishna was born. I had to leave for Agra around noon so the tour started at 7am. Mathura to date was the one city that I spent the most money for prayers and donations.I can not officially count how many temples I visited in this holy city but all had certain characteristics to them. For example the Mira temple where Lord Krishna gave Mira an appearance after her extreme devotion to him. A group of over 500 widow women chant devotional songs through out the day.It is at Kesava Deo Temple that in a small room with a slab of rock points out the exact spot Lords Krishna was born 3500 years ago.

Vrindavan village is where Lord krishna was bought up. Cows are especially scared in Mathura and Vrindavan and over 1000's cows are cared for. There are barns between both towns and grass is bought in from outside to feed them. Cows also roam free in alleys and driveways but no way takes offense and cars and cycles just shoo them away.

I feel blessed to have seen these sites, someone said that when god wants you there, he makes it possible no matter how far you are from them.I have also managed to go vegetarian for over a week now. Not by choice but situations have just permitted me. It was about time to get my stuff packed to head in for the bus station.

The ride to Agra was pleasant and short. As soon as the bus pulled in to the city I noticed light showers on the bus window. I was heading towards a auto rickshaw when I saw a cloud of dust coming towards me, five seconds later, it was pouring like the whole freaking sky was let loose. I was soaking wet only to realize it had started to pour down hail. Hail in Agar??? Yes, penny size ones.

After an hour of driving around to get through traffic and pot holes, I made it to the hotel. Spoke to the hotel owner and selected one of the priciest rooms. The restaurants roof top looked over the at Taj Mahal. Would you believe it in a hundred years that I was looking at the Taj Mahal while I sat here writing this....A wonderful end to an adventurous day. Good night for now.

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