Saturday, June 4, 2011

London, you may not see me for back for a while!

High heels and pointy shoes is what London seems to me all about .A rare number can be seen spotting the blue denims in this city while most are passing by with pencil line skirts and dull black ties. Eighty percent of Heathrows airport employees are of Indian decedent, while zero Asians are to be spotted yet and everything seems to cost a arm and a leg.

The flight to Heathrow was not as tiring as I thought it would be. The plane seemed to be full but I cant really confirm that since I didn't walk around much. Virgin airlines does gets props for having quiet a nice line up of in flight entertainment.I had promised to watch at least a few movies but was fast asleep half way through the second one.

I had almost mastered the train system or "underground tube" as they call it before it was time to get back in the TSA lines. Oh did I mention that the exchange rates sucks ass. Forty US dollars barely got me fifteen pounds, of which eight went to buying a all day bus and tube pass (not a bad deal actually).

Westminister Cathedral was my first stop after departing tube at Victoria station. It is open to the public during service too I think. It was not as busy as my next stop, which was quiet difficult to navigate to even after I asked for help from 3 very nice English ladies. Someone has given the English a bad reputation I believe. Even though they all seem to be in a rush to get somewhere, they smile and kindly give you directions without showing frustrations.

Buckingham palace!! I never thought I would be seeing it so soon in my life time. I used to fantassie about marrying Prince William, like the rest of the worlds teenage girls when I was 13. The amount of tourist outside definitely shows that the Royals are still UK’s top attraction. Snapped a few pictures,Stayed for the guard change performance and left to visit Westminster Abby.

A big chubby guy stood outside the gates trying to explain to some tourist that touring hours was over and no was permitted entry during service hours. For me, I was happy gazing at this old stone building from the outside. How did William and Kate got married here seems impossible. Feel sorry for all the traffic congestion it would have caused. Right next to the Westminster Abby is the Big Ben and the Parliament House. Both are grand buildings and a must to snap pictures off.

What stole my attention next was the number of tents lined up across from the Abby. I kindly asked one of the fellows, who was selling some handicraft work if It would be possible to take pictures and wonder around the display.London is not immune to publicly speaking out about the War in Iraq and their urge for the US to pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

I was not able to make it out to the London Bridge or the London Towers, but then I do have to have another reason to make a trip back here. My last thoughts would be that London is quiet charming in its own way. The Royals being around helps bring in the extra cash to the city but it can also hold on by itself with all the history and historic marvels. Local transportation is easy to maneuver with helpful information centers around stations.

If anyone ever has the option of having a layover in London, take it without hesitating since no Visa is required and UK customs doesn't really give you a hassle.

Off to catch a few hours of sleep before landing in Delhi to being another day of adventure.


  1. Arti, I hope you keep posting because we all enjoy your whereabouts, whether or not we are with you. Keep it going!
